The deeply pervasive poverty in the world can feel overwhelming. So overwhelming that the natural response for most is to do nothing because we don’t know where to start or because small graces can feel inadequate. Nourish Every Child is founded on the concept of the ripple effect. Every generous act (regardless of size) matters and makes a difference in ways we can not begin to comprehend.
During the founder’s first humanitarian visit to Haiti working for the non-profit organization Midwives for Haiti, she was overwhelmed by the magnitude of human suffering. One evening while working alongside the Sisters of Mercy nuns feeding starving children at the Azil Nourishment Center, Jennifer broke down in tears feeling like her efforts were so minimal and not making a difference. The nun quoted Mother Theresa “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples”. This concept inspired our organization.

We believe in providing education and nutrition, one child at a time, breaking the cycle of poverty and providing children with hope for a full life. Each child is carefully selected and registered in a government approved educational center with certified educators and provided a nutritious mid-morning snack, mid-day meal and drinking water.
Every FALL, team members from Nourish Every Child travel to Haiti to personally enroll each student. We spend time with each student and interview them about their lives and experience. Nourish Every Child provides each donor with a copy of this interview so they can develop a personal relationship with this child. We provide a photo and a bit of the life story of the child. Past donors have expressed how life changing this program has been for them. They have been able to share the photo and story with their own children. We do our best to continue to match donors with their child year after year so they can watch that child grow and thrive from the nourishment of mind and body they receive.


* 90% of primary schools are non-public and managed by communities, religious organizations or NGOs. (USAID 2007)


* 30% of the population is considered food insecure. (World Food Programme 2015)
Jennifer Burns is a mother, volunteer, advocate and Certified Nurse-Midwife living in Newport Beach, California with her husband and three children. Jennifer began her humanitarian work in Haiti in 2011 with Midwives for Haiti. It was during this first trip to Haiti Jennifer was moved to make a difference in the lives of the children in Haiti. It was impossible to see the suffering of the children in the community and not see her own children reflected in their eyes. Nourish Every Child was born of these experiences and has evolved over the years. Jennifer continues to work on the eradication of preventable maternal death with Midwives for Haiti and The Hope Foundation for Women and Children of Bangladesh.

Minal Chokshi is a mother of two elementary school children, is an accomplished corporate accountant, breast cancer "thriver" and assists other boards with her financial and accounting services. With an endless curiosity about the educational impact in developing nations, Minal came to serve NEC through her friendship with Carol Sullivan and Sean McCracken; as well as, a 6-degree of separation relationship with Carley Welch. Witnessing Jennifer’s determination to impact the lives of vulnerable children at their shared children's pre-school, Minal was inspired to assist NEC. Despite not yet having visited Haiti, Minal's involvement stems from the deep commitment to effect change for the children we serve in Haiti and beyond.

Alison Eastman is a mother, advocate, volunteer and realtor living in Newport Beach, CA with her young son and husband. Alison first got involved in working for underprivileged children with her work for Angelitos de Oro. In 2018 Alison visited Haiti with her friend, Jennifer Burns, to see first hand the impact Nourish Every Child has in the community. She has been dedicated ever since to being an advocate for orphan prevention and keeping families together in a community that so desperately needs our help.

Jennifer Burns is a mother, volunteer, advocate and Certified Nurse-Midwife living in Newport Beach, California with her husband and three children. Jennifer began her humanitarian work in Haiti in 2011 with Midwives for Haiti. It was during this first trip to Haiti Jennifer was moved to make a difference in the lives of the children in Haiti. It was impossible to see the suffering of the children in the community and not see her own children reflected in their eyes. Nourish Every Child was born of these experiences and has evolved over the years. Jennifer continues to work on the eradication of preventable maternal death with Midwives for Haiti and The Hope Foundation for Women and Children of Bangladesh.

Minal Chokshi is a mother of two elementary school children, is an accomplished corporate accountant, breast cancer "thriver" and assists other boards with her financial and accounting services. With an endless curiosity about the educational impact in developing nations, Minal came to serve NEC through her friendship with Carol Sullivan and Sean McCracken; as well as, a 6-degree of separation relationship with Carley Welch. Witnessing Jennifer’s determination to impact the lives of vulnerable children at their shared children's pre-school, Minal was inspired to assist NEC. Despite not yet having visited Haiti, Minal's involvement stems from the deep commitment to effect change for the children we serve in Haiti and beyond.

Coming soon

Kellie Khan
Kellie Khan is an educator, advocate and activist on a mission to change the lives of the world’s most vulnerable children. Kellie lives in Maplewood, New Jersey with her husband, four children, dog and cat. Kellie’s first international trip was at the age of 17 to East Africa where she volunteered at local orphanages and hospitals. Kellie has taught in several inner-city schools teaching the most inspiring students. She is currently a court-appointed advocate for children in the foster care system and continues to sit on local community boards serving the needs of the youth. Kellie became involved with NEC after being inspired by Jennifer’s passion and dedication. She continues to be inspired by the meaningful work NEC does to nourish the mind, body and soul of Haiti’s most vulnerable children.